Furnace Repair

Furnace Repair in pope County, ar

If your furnace is not working to its full potential, it may be time to have a professional come out and assess your furnace. If you are aware of issues with your furnace, than have your furnace repair completed as soon as possible. This will prepare your furnace to handle even the coldest of days.

If your furnace has failed completely or if it is simply not heating your home sufficiently, call us at ​479-641-0058 or fill out a contact form to schedule a service appointment!

Why You Might Need Furnace Repair

There are quite a few things that could go wrong with your furnace, from not heating properly, to not working at all. Here are some signs that you may need to call a professional to repair your furnace.

  • Your house is not heating evenly, this usually means that rooms in your home vary in temperature quite significantly.
  • Your Pilot light is out or you cannot get your furnace to ignite.
  • You are experiencing unusual noises coming from the furnace or from the duct work.
  • You are smelling a musty, burning, or gas like smell, that persists after the furnace has been running for a while.
  • Your last couple of energy bills are higher than usual.

All of the above can mean that your furnace is not working to its full efficiency, this can result in an uncomfortable home and high energy bills. Furnace Repair can get your furnace up and running to its full capacity.

Tips For Preventing Furnace Repairs

Whilst you can’t always prevent things from occurring to your heating system, some common furnace issues can be prevented. Regular maintenance is the best way to prevent larger issues from arising. Having your furnace inspected and tuned up will help remove excess buildup and assure that all your furnace parts are working correctly. This also gives you peace of mind, that when bad weather arrives, your furnace is ready to work hard to keep your home warm.